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MRES Classrooms

Meridian Ranch Elementary School Classrooms

In conjunction with the Colorado state standards, we feel that end of grade level outcomes must be aligned from preschool through fifth grade. This alignment, along with grade level outcomes, are described and distributed in foundation documents. These documents describe to parents, staff and community members the minimum requirements needed for a student to have mastered at proficient or advanced levels at the end of their current grade level to be successful in the next year. The foundation requirements are measured by common quarterly assessments. A failure to meet the foundation minimums will not necessarily result in grade level retention, but will possibly initiate more intensive interventions and focused parent-teacher conferencing.

Upon evaluation of effectiveness of data obtained from testing, Meridian Ranch Elementary School reserves the right to develop, administer and revise common assessments as needed to continually align to instruction based on expectations of Colorado standards.

We ensure that any gaps in learning can be addressed as needed.

Additionally, upon entering kindergarten, students are required to take a readiness assessment. The results of the readiness assessment do not change admission status to Meridian Ranch Elementary School, but simply serve to inform teachers and parents of the academic and social levels at which students enter kindergarten.

At Meridian Ranch Elementary School, we believe the following components are essential to academic success within the school setting and beyond. As we prepare students for college and careers, the following academic indicators will be monitored and assessed:
  • Academic Achievement
  • Attendance and Punctuality
  • Academic Learning Environment
  • Behavior and Attitude.
Involvement in the community or extracurricular activities contribute to an overall picture of academic success. We also encourage community involvement as one of the academic indicators. It is our belief that students need to be proficient and beyond on grade level standards.

Attendance and punctuality for at least 90 percent of all scheduled school days is essential to developing students prepared for college and careers. A student must be able to demonstrate proficiency within the academic learning environment, measured by proficiency levels reported on the standards based report card as “Life Skills." We encourage students to pursue interests outside of school hours in order to fulfill the community involvement needs.

Finally, students must demonstrate respectful behavior and a positive attitude to be successful in post-secondary endeavors. Proficiency towards these academic indicators are monitored (with the exception of community involvement) and reported to parents at parent-teacher conferences or in conjunction with quarterly report cards. In cases where students are discrepant in one or more areas, the indicators serve as a baseline for discussing student needs.

Falcon Zone Graduation Requirements

Policy IKF specifies that graduation from District 49 must be based on demonstrated mastery of Colorado Academic Standards. One method of demonstrating mastery is successful completion of a sequence of courses. In the traditional model of earning credits toward graduation, each course is associated with an academic content area as well as a number of credits earned. The following table establishes the baseline expectations for credit-based demonstration of mastery toward high school graduation. In this model, one credit denotes the successful mastery of content that has traditionally been incorporated in a full year of study. Credit is awarded on a semester basis only and requires a passing grade of "D" or higher.

A class of 2020 diploma shall be awarded to Falcon Zone students who earn the following credits by the end of the 2019-2020 school year:
Content Area Credits
English 4.0
Social Studies 3.0
Science 3.0
Mathematics (at high school) 3.0
Practical Arts or Foreign Language 2.0
Fine Arts 1.0
Physical Education 1.0
Health 0.5 
Elective Credits 7.5
Total:  25.0
As stated in BOE policy IKF-R, "Graduation Requirements, Courses and Credits," Falcon Zone graduates who meet the following requirements will earn a college endorsement:
Content Area Credits
*American Literature and English Literature required 
Social Studies 4.0
*Chemistry required
*Geometry and Algebra II required
Foreign Language
*Two years of the same language required
Fine Arts 1.0
Physical Education 1.0
Health 0.5 
Elective Credits 6.0

Section I: Instruction

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